See how much time is spent on Todoist Projects and Tasks.
With Time Doctor, you can easily keep track of how much time you and/or each person in your company spends on their Todoist projects and tasks.
Although this page explains how to use Time Doctor to track time spent on Todoist tasks for teams, everything explained here applies equally to you if you're using Todoist for your own personal use.
With Time Doctor, you'll be able to see:
Total time spent on each Todoist project and task across your company
How much time each employee worked on Todoist tasks.
Which task each of your employees is working on right now
How does it work?
To get started with Time Doctor, your employees will install Time Doctor's desktop application software onto their computers. In the software each employee will see an up-to-date list of the Todoist tasks assigned to him/her. The employee simply clicks a task to start tracking the amount of time they spend working on it.
The time tracked is then displayed on the Time Doctor website, in reports that you can slice & dice in various ways. Time Doctor has native desktop apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Track what your users do at work
Time Doctor can track other types of data in addition to time worked on Todoist tasks such as the websites & applications that each employee uses while working.
Time Doctor can also take screenshots of your employees computers while they're working. This can be particularly useful when you have people working remotely and you can't stop by their desks to see what they're working on.
Features like website & application tracking and screenshots are optional and you have the option of turning them on or off.
Supported on both Time Doctor 2 and Time Doctor Classic
Time Doctor’s Chrome extension supporting Todoist integration is available on both Time Doctor Classic and Time Doctor 2.
To know the differences between Time Doctor Classic and Time Doctor 2, click here.
Other benefits
Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.
Web & app usage
Track your teams’ digital journeys. Cut out distractions and time drains.
Client login access
Let your clients watch their projects take shape and track their progress.
Unusual activity report
Catch unusual mouse clicks and keyboard strokes with AI. Make sure your time tracking stays accurate.
Work scheduling
Set your employees’ work schedules and compare them to actual hours worked.
Payroll reporting
Streamline your billing, budgeting, and payroll with integrations. And improve accuracy.
Inactivity alerts
Instantly know when your workers lose focus. Nudge them to get back on track.
Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.