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Process Street and Time Doctor Integration

Track time in Process Street with Time Doctor.

Process Street improves the way you run business with process sheets, checklists, and stored tasks. The Time Doctor integration helps your team increase efficiency even further with accurate time tracking!

Use Time Doctor with the apps you’re already using to improve efficiency instantly. It’s the ultimate project management and time-tracking tool for businesses, freelancers, and remote teams.

At the simple click of a button, employees can track their progress in Process Street and create automatic timesheets for easy payroll processing. Businesses report an average productivity increase of 22% with Time Doctor’s smart time tracking.

Track time in Process Street with Time Doctor.

If your team already uses Process Street, it will be easy to integrate this with our Time Doctor Chrome extension for easy time tracking and in-depth time use reports.

You’ll eliminate many administrative tasks, such as manual timesheets, and gain the power to increase speed and accuracy in the processes for your teams. Every team can benefit – from onboarding and HR to your creative and financial teams.

By integrating with Time Doctor, both employees and employers can see how long tasks take and which tasks waste time or require more budget. Time is money, so get started today!

Increase business efficiency with existing tools, like Process Street.

Time Doctor is one of the best time-tracking and project management tools out there, helping to bring all your systems together and understand your workflow better. When you have a better idea of your workflow and time use, you can begin to improve systems to make the most of your time at work.

The result is better productivity. With Time Doctor, this is as easy as clicking a start/stop button. To get started, sign up for Time Doctor and download the Chrome extension. Once integrated, the “Start Timer” and “Stop Timer” buttons will appear directly in Process Street, making tracking how long each task takes nearly effortless.

In addition to tracking time, Time Doctor manages projects, monitors employees with web, app, and chat histories, has optional screenshots, and even alerts users when they’ve gone off task or sit idly at the computer. The immediate results are better time tracking and accountability. The long term results include an even better measure of all that your company does in Process Street and beyond!

Activate the Time Doctor integration for Process Street.

If you’re using Process Street, your team definitely values efficiency. So it’s time to take that efficiency even further by using Time Doctor in the whole company.

For existing Time Doctor users, admins can log into Time Doctor and activate the Chrome extension by navigating to Settings -> Integrations. Users will be notified of the integration and prompted to download the extension. Any users that sign up after integration will be prompted to download the Chrome extension during the initial setup of Time Doctor.

The admin must also enable tracking of tasks under Settings -> Company Settings, to ensure that users have access to task tracking. If your company has 20 or more employees, our onboarding team is ready to help you set up.

Discover the power of the Process Street and Time Doctor integration. You can also integrate Time Doctor with many other apps that your team already uses. Get started today.

But wait, there's more!

Web & App Usage Two

See how much time your employees spend on each website and application they use.

Client Login

Let your clients log in to see the time tracked on their projects.

Poor Time Use Report

See how long each employee has spent on websites that are not work-related.

Work Schedules

Set up schedules for employees and track their attendance.


Easily pay your employees based on either hours tracked or on fixed salaries.


Our popups help users put their focus back on their work.


Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.

And much more...

Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.