Working in shifts is necessary for industries where you need to provide 24/7 to meet customer demands. And as a team manager, you may face difficulties in guiding and managing team productivity. Fortunately, a 2-2-3 …
Liam Martin

Liam Martin
Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Time Doctor,, and the Running Remote Conference, and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Running Remote." He advocates for remote work and helps businesses optimize their remote teams.
Employee engagement is a metric that shows an employee’s commitment to their workplace and their motivation to work. High employee engagement can improve employee performance, productivity, customer experience, and more. In this article, we’ll cover …
Employee recognition can look quite different in every company. But regardless of your methods, it plays a crucial role in keeping your workforce motivated. It’s also instrumental in giving your company a competitive advantage by …
The ‘war for talent’ is as intense as ever. A quarter of a century since global management consulting firm McKinsey first used the term when highlighting the increasingly fierce competition to attract and retain employees, …
There are many pros and cons when it comes to working from home versus working in an office. Some people are more comfortable in an office setting, while others prefer to work from home. Recently …
Looking for a free employee attendance sheet template? If you need a surefire way to track your employees’ working hours while ensuring that they get paid correctly – you need an employee attendance sheet. An …
As a business owner, using workforce optimization (WFO) strategies can increase your company’s employee productivity and operational efficiency. And the easiest way to reap these benefits is by utilizing workforce optimization software. The software integrates data …
Over the past few decades, BPOs (Business Process Outsourcers) have become an increasingly important part of the global economy. By outsourcing activities like customer service, back-office administration, and accounting, businesses can make cost savings, improve …