RescueTime vs TimeCamp

by Time Doctor
RescueTime Vs TimeCamp

Looking for a detailed RescueTime vs TimeCamp comparison?

Time tracking is vital for efficient productivity and time management. It also helps in employee monitoring, expense tracking, and payroll management.

And while RescueTime and TimeCamp are time tracking tools, they offer additional features to help you manage work effortlessly.

RescueTime helps you understand how you spend time on daily activities, on the other hand, TimeCamp provides productivity and employee management features.  

So which time tracking solution is right for your business?

In this article, we’ll compare RescueTime vs TimeCamp to help you make the best decision. 

We’ll highlight their key features, tool integrations, pricing plans, and device compatibility. 

We’ll also cover a better alternative to help you optimize productivity.

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Let’s get started.

What is RescueTime?


RescueTime is an automatic time tracking tool that helps you gain insights into all your activities. 

It also offers features like time tracking, goals, and distraction blocking to help you improve productivity and efficiency.

With RescueTime, you can:

  • Track offline time for activities like calls and meetings.
  • Block unproductive and distracting websites.
  • Automatically record and monitor all computer activities.
  • Set and track daily goals to stay updated on what your team is working towards.
  • Categorize websites and apps based on their productivity level, like distracting or neutral.

What is TimeCamp?


TimeCamp is a cloud-based time tracking software designed for small to medium-sized businesses.  

It offers timesheets, goals, reports, and automatic task detection to help you track time and measure project profitability.

TimeCamp helps you:

  • Automatically track time and stay focused during your working hour.
  • Define project budget, timeline, and other costs.
  • Measure productivity and the time spent on different websites and apps.
  • Create reports according to your own needs and share them.
  • Track idle time spent on meetings and other offline activities.

RescueTime Vs TimeCamp: Detailed comparison

RescueTime and TimeCamp offer a few common functionalities like time tracking, performance reports, and integrations, but they differ in their approach.

Here’s a one-on-one comparison of their features:

1. Time tracking

Time tracking is the main feature offered by both RescueTime and TimeCamp. 

Let’s see how RescueTime and TimeCamp help in tracking time:

A. RescueTime

To help you track time, RescueTime provides an automatic time tracker that tracks and categorizes the time you spend on different apps, websites, projects, as well as documents.  

And if you want any specific task or website entry to be removed, you have the option to delete them.

Rescuetime time tracking

Additionally, with RescueTime, you can also track time for meetings, calls, or other offline tasks. With offline time tracking, you get a total distribution of time spent on all various activities throughout your day.

B. TimeCamp

TimeCamp can track time both manually and automatically

In manual mode, you can track time in two ways: 

  • Time Entry: Enter the total duration of time you spent on a specific task.
  • Built-in Timer: Click “Start Timer” and “Stop Timer” as you work through your task.
timecamp time tracking

To track time automatically, TimeCamp recognizes tasks based on a set of predefined keywords. This time tracker app looks for keywords in application names, URL addresses, or window titles.

Quick recap

Both RescueTime and TimeCamp offer an automatic time tracking feature. However, with TimeCamp, you can also track time manually. To do so, you can either enter the time spent on a specific task or use the built-in timer.

2. Productivity management

Here’s how RescueTime and TimeCamp help you with productivity tracking and management:

A. RescueTime

To help you manage productivity, RescueTime offers:

  • FocusTime distraction blocking: This feature blocks distracting websites and applications. You can set daily limits on websites and apps, start a manual FocusTime session, or even schedule focused time directly in your calendar.  
  • Real-time focus alerts: These alerts include goal completion notification, too much time spent on social media, and other distraction-based alerts.

Additionally, RescueTime also allows you to set goals for how you want to spend time or for any task you have at hand. The app will then offer real-time feedback to keep you on track.


B. TimeCamp

TimeCamp helps you track productivity in the following ways:

  • Website and app monitoring: Track time spent on apps, websites, and documents.
  • Productivity assistant: Set goals to measure productive time and idle time. 
  • Idle time tracking: Track inactive time and time spent on offline activities like meetings.
TImeCamp Productivity Report

Quick recap

Both the time tracking tools offer great productivity management features. These features help you understand the productivity levels of the time spent on different tasks and activities.

3. Project management

Project management involves many constraints, like budgets, team members, managers, and timelines. So it’s essential for your time tracking tool to have some project and task management functionalities.

Let’s see how these two helps in project management: 

A. RescueTime

RescueTime offers the Highlights feature to help you quickly make notes of any task or project you work on. 

You can either manually enter the notes through the app or automatically with the API integration.

These highlights can later help you to:

  • Spend more time on significant tasks.
  • Track non-billable work hours.
  • Compile reports for managers or clients.
  • Plan better for future activities.
RescueTime Project Management

With RescueTime, you can email or download the highlights you create.

B. TimeCamp

TimeCamp allows you to create projects and tasks under them. 

For each task, you can:

  • Assign a user or group of users. 
  • Give users different privileges. 
  • Set time or money budget.
  • Make a task billable.
  • Enable keywords (for automatic tracking).
TimeCamp Project Management

Moreover, you can archive tasks, clone, move, delete, or move time for any project.

Quick recap

While both RescueTime and TimeCamp offer support for project management, TimeCamp provides many basic features for easily managing projects.

4. Reporting and analytics

Performance reports help you gain insights into your team’s performance and productivity.

Let’s see the types of productivity reports RescueTime and TimeCamp generates:

A. RescueTime

Some of the productivity and performance reports offered by RescueTime:

  • Productivity: Displays a user’s Productivity Pulse score (1-100) for a specific time frame. It also provides a breakdown of the time spent in the different productivity categories.
  • Applications and websites: Shows top activities ranked by time and color-coded by productivity level.
  • Daily highlights: Displays a record of the highlights logged and any action events that have been registered.
  • Team: Helps teams visualize their cumulative time and understand how they’re working together as a group.
  • Categories: Shows the time spent on different activity categories.
rescuetime reports

B. TimeCamp

With TimeCamp’s reporting feature, you can create summaries from the time entries and other recorded data. 

However, the availability of reports depends on the pricing plan you use.

Here are a few reports offered by TimeCamp:

  • Dashboard: Summary of projects and tasks.
  • Away time: Shows projects, tasks, and users.
  • Activities: Summary of tasks, users, days.
  • Categories: List down productivity categories by time entries.
TimeCamp Report

Quick recap

RescueTime offers various auto-generated reports, whereas, TimeCamp enables you to create summaries and reports.

5. Integrations

Integrations help you connect your time tracking app with other business and workplace applications. 

Let’s see the tools RescueTime and TimeCamp can integrate with:

A. RescueTime

RescueTime connects across various types of tools communication, collaborations, and project management. You can connect to them directly or through Zapier.

Here are a few key integrations:

  • Productivity: Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook.
  • Project management: Asana, Trello.
  • Communication: Slack, Twilio.
  • Software development: Git, GitHub.
RescueTime Integrations

B. TimeCamp

TimeCamp integrates with several business tools to help you track time without changing any of your existing workflows.

Some of TimeCamp’s popular integrations include:

  • Collaboration: Slack, iCal, Google Calendar.
  • CRM and sales: Salesforce, Insightly.
  • Customer support: Freshdesk, Zendesk.
  • Project management: Asana, Basecamp, Trello.
  • Web development: Azure DevOps, GitHub, GitLab.
TimeCamp Integrations

Quick recap

Both RescueTime and TimeCamp can integrate with a variety of tools. However, TimeCamp offers more third-party app integration options. 

6. Platform compatibility

Greater platform compatibility allows you to track time across multiple devices. 

Here are the platforms RescueTime and TimeCamp are available on:

A. RescueTime

RescueTime offers a desktop app, mobile app, and browser extensions for various devices.

It’s available on the following operating systems:

  • Browser plugin: Firefox, Chrome, Brave.
  • Desktop: Mac, Windows, Linux.
  • Mobile: iOS, Android.

B. TimeCamp

TimeCamp is available on the following platforms:

  • Desktop: Linux, macOS, Windows.
  • Mobile: Android, iOS.

TimeCamp also offers a Google Chrome extension.

Quick recap

While both RescueTime and TimeCamp are available on major devices, RescueTime offers a browser extension for Firefox and Brave.

7. Pricing plans

Let’s take a quick look into the different pricing plans offered by RescueTime and TimeCamp.

A. RescueTime

RescueTime offers two plans:

  • Lite: Free plan – supports basic time tracking + productivity reports + time reports + smart goals + custom filters.
  • Premium: $12/month – includes “Lite” features + FocusTime distraction blocker + keyword filters + real-time alerts + offline time reporting and more.

This time tracking app also offers a 14-day free trial of its Premium plan. However, a credit card is required.

B. TimeCamp

Here are TimeCamp’s different paid pricing plans:

  • Solo: Free plan – for a single user + supports unlimited tasks + unlimited projects + productivity reports + integration for one tool.
  • Basic: $7/user per month – includes Solo plan features + advanced time tracking + unlimited integrations + reports export + billable hours and budgeting.
  • Pro: $10/user per month – includes Basic plan features + billing rates + attendance tracking + invoicing + timesheet approval.
  • Enterprise: contact support to get a custom quote for Enterprise plan – includes Pro plan features + personalized training + private cloud implementation + self-hosted server.

You can also take a 14-day free trial of TimeCamp’s paid plans without any credit card. 

Quick recap

TimeCamp offers more pricing options to choose from. Moreover, you can try the free version of its paid plans for 14 days without any credit card requirement.

A better alternative to productivity monitoring

From time tracking and project management to performance reports, RescueTime and TimeCamp offer various productivity and employee management features. 

But before making your choice, there’s another tool that is worth considering…   

It’s called Time Doctor — a simple time tracking solution that also offers advanced productivity management features.

What is Time Doctor?

Time Doctor is a powerful and user-friendly employee productivity management software used by major corporations and small businesses to boost employee productivity.

This productivity management app helps you:

  • Easily track employee time manually or automatically.
  • Generate payroll for any employee at any point in time.
  • Categorize websites based on productivity ratings
  • Set access level for any user like a manager, client, and admin.
  • Track time from anywhere with app compatibility on Windows, Mac, Chrome, and other platforms.
  • Gain actionable insights into performance with various accurate reports.
  • Integrate with several project management and accounting tools, like Jira and QuickBooks.
  • Track inactivity to monitor productivity levels better.
  • Use different employee-friendly productivity management settings.

Here’s a complete list of Time Doctor’s features.

Time Doctor’s Productivity Ratings is an advanced productivity management feature that isn’t offered by TimeCamp. 

It enables you to rate websites and applications according to their productivity level, like productive, unproductive, unrated, or neutral. This provides an accurate measure of productivity.

Additionally, unlike RescueTime, this productivity management app supports payroll management

It allows you to generate accurate payroll for your employees at any point in time. You can also quickly pay them on a fixed basis or according to the total worked hours.

TimeDoctor also integrates with payment methods like Paypal, TransferWise, Gusto, and ADP for easy payments, while TimeCamp only integrates with Paypal.

Moreover, Time Doctor is more affordable than RescueTime. Its paid plan starts at just $8/user per month and supports features like unlimited screenshots, activity tracking, and project management.

Final verdict

Sure, RescueTime and TimeCamp are good time tracking and employee monitoring software.

RescueTime helps you gain insight into your daily activities by categorizing time and various reports. On the other hand, TimeCamp offers both manual and automatic time tracking with project management and invoicing features.

However, they can’t track productivity as well as Time Doctor. 

Time Doctor offers all the features and functionalities you need in the ultimate time and productivity management tool. 

Sign up for a free trial of Time Doctor today and skyrocket your productivity!

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