How managers can spend less time monitoring with Time Doctor’s new email notifications

by Amy Owens
email notifications

If you are a manager or leader in today’s workforce, you know what a struggle time management can be. I’m not talking about your team’s time management right now, I’m talking about your own.

You are constantly juggling multiple tasks all with different levels of difficulty. Add on the new challenges that come with managing remote and hybrid teams and it becomes a bit overwhelming.

Where do you find the time for it all? Isn’t there something you can automate to create more time without having to sacrifice your own productivity?

Well yes, there is. 

Time Doctor is excited to announce the release of our new Email Notifications. These fully customizable, trigger-based email notifications will be sent to managers daily, freeing them up to spend less time monitoring and more time on what’s most important. 

Our new notifications keep managers up to date on potential performance issues by sending actionable insights straight to their inboxes. If you don’t receive any notifications, you know you can continue to focus on the more strategic parts of your job and have peace of mind that your team is staying on track and being productive.

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How do they work?

Admins and managers will now see a new Email Notifications option under the Settings tab on the Time Doctor web app. You have full control of naming these notifications and setting the conditions and parameters that are the most important to keeping your team at maximum productivity.

time doctor email notification triggers

There are nine different trigger options to choose from with the ability to set specific conditions for your employees or teams. We’ve grouped the triggers into 5 categories to make it easy.

Low productivity alerts

Manage distractions and refocus team members with the most unproductive time to the right tasks with productivity alerts.

Low activity alerts 

Stay informed of potential workload and efficiency issues with notifications on lower than average activity levels.

Work-life balance alerts

Get ahead of disengagement with notifications on employees with consecutive absences and who is on the verge of burnout from working too many hours.

Attendance alerts

Make schedule adherence easier with automatic updates on who was late, worked too few hours or didn’t follow their set schedule.

Time editing alerts

Alert leaders when manual and mobile time are added to ease concerns and keep everyone informed.

How do I use these?

As we mentioned before, by customizing these trigger-based email notifications, managers can use this time they gained back for the more strategic work and spend less time on monitoring and looking for potential performance issues. 

When performance issues are surfaced through these notifications, you can easily investigate further by simply clicking on the user name which will take you to their Time Doctor dashboard.

time doctor email notification

You also have the ability to select who you want to monitor, everyone in the company, specific groups or select individual users. This opens up the possibility to create Workday Alerts specific to job roles, functions, departments or even by high and low performers, giving you quicker insights into the information that will help you save the most time and make the most impact as a manager. 

Wrapping up

Our new Email Notifications are just one of several ways that Time Doctor provides managers with ways to automate tasks and gain added visibility to make managing teams easier, no matter where they work.

To explore our newest feature and how else Time Doctor can help you spend less time on monitoring and more time on improving yourself and your teams, sign up for our Free 14-Day trial today.

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