Better data visibility for senior leaders, for faster decisions about improving company culture

by Amy Owens
Improve company culture with data visibility

Personalized attention and coaching for every employee is critical to building a great culture that’s defined by high performance, and Time Doctor’s granular employee monitoring data makes that possible. 

But when you’re regularly making more strategic decisions about talent management and resourcing — you need a ‘big picture’ view of how teams are functioning, and the differences between teams. Business owners and senior leaders often find themselves in this position. 

Fortunately, Time Doctor also provides rich data for executives wanting a holistic view of teams — but to date, it has required delving into various team comparison and capacity utilization reports. 

Now, Time Doctor is putting this high-level information at the fingertips of executives with the release of our new Executive Dashboard.

Executive Dashboard from Time Doctor

Company-wide decisions that impact recruitment, people management, and culture will be faster and more reliably informed with access to the Executive Dashboard. 

The dashboard gives executive-level users the ability to see and compare the activity of different project teams, departments or employee groups to help guide organizational changes and improvements.

Why is having fast and accurate insights about productivity and performance at the team level so valuable? It ensures senior leaders can:

  • Get a better sense of cultural/structural problems versus individual issues
  • Identify, recognize and learn from high-performing teams more easily
  • Get a more objective look at how managers are nurturing an effective workplace
  • Understand how workload and work-life balance is being managed at the team level
  • Gauge how closely different groups adhere to policies, attendance and schedules

For instance, the Executive Dashboard might reveal that a company’s design team consistently works significantly more hours compared to other business functions, which might compel an exploration of: how the team is managed/motivated; workflows, how software is used, skills and training gaps; whether additional designers need to be hired/outsourced or whether staff from other teams can be redistributed.

If poor frontline management is in play, these are issues that may not be surfaced by senior leaders otherwise. Additionally, it offers a more balanced view of performance beyond individuals, which can help executives intervene sooner to keep managers accountable. 

The Executive Dashboard also makes it easier to see at a glance how Time Doctor is being used for better administration and adoption. That ensures you maintain privacy, security, and make the most of your investment in our software. 

How does the Executive Dashboard feature work?

Owners and Admins within Time Doctor can access the Executive Dashboard via the ‘Dashboards’ menu. The easy-to-navigate visualizations compare groups against other groups based on time and activity tracking data collected in each calendar month. You can also export this high-level view as a PDF.

executive dashboard

Executive dashboard comprises the following widgets:

Overview of productivity across all teams:

Gain insights into total time worked and an average employees’ work day, the extent of unproductive activity, which teams worked the most/least hours and which teams were most/least productive during hours worked. 

executive dashboard - overview of productivity

Outliers that might be hidden in aggregated data:

Outliers highlights a few hard-to-spot metrics that might be cause for concern. These include: the number of users with more than 20% unproductive time, how many team members have been flagged more than 30 times for potential overwork, and the number of users who’ve put in more than 200 hours in a month. 

Rather than informing direct intervention with individuals — this team-level analysis helps leaders understand broader trends related to a culture where people are disengaged or being pushed too hard, or issues with lack of collaboration and poor workload distribution.

executive dashboard - outliers widget

Top groups and lowest performing:

An in-depth comparison that touches on multiple performance measures, summarized by teams, departments or other meaningful groupings across your organization. 

These comparisons are similar to what’s available in the ‘Team Dashboard’ available to managers, but includes two new metrics exclusive to executives: groups with the highest/lowest average work-life balance issues per user; and groups with the most/least attendance issues.

executive dashboard - top groups

Company configuration:

This widget helps executive-level users more efficiently and effectively use Time Doctor to reliably capture data in ways that truly drive improved team management without being intrusive or inconvenient for employees. 

For instance, the ratio of users/managers/admins can raise red flags about how many people have in-depth visibility of employee data (or conversely, perhaps not enough management oversight). You can quickly revisit how Screencasts are used if your privacy/compliance needs change, or consider whether you’re empowering employees adequately with time editing access. 

executive dashboard - configuration widget

Strategic data made accessible for your leadership

Owners and executives are looking for solutions to company-wide growth and efficiency blockers, and need strategic insights based on accurate, holistic data. 

It’s important that team-level data is both trustworthy and easy to access for on-the-go business leaders — that’s why our new Executive Dashboard feature is a winner.

Test-drive the Executive Dashboard for yourself by booking a demo today.

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