Latest features and updates: Integrations with Basecamp 3, Zoho and Visual Studio Team Services and improvements to the absent/late functionality

by Carlo Borja
Time Doctor latest features and update

We’ve been working hard on improving our software by fixing issues, introducing new features and new integrations. Here’s a brief summary of what’s new.


To see all our new integrations go to the Settings drop-down menu in Time Doctor and select Company Integrations. Each different third-party app has different step-by-step instructions to follow to get everything setup.

Integration with Basecamp (version 3)

Time Doctor is now fully integrated with Basecamp 3. If you’re familiar with how Time Doctor integrates with Basecamp 2 then you’ll be happy to know that Basecamp 3 is integrated in exactly the same way.

The integration will synchronize your projects and to-dos from Basecamp into your Time Doctor account.

Integration with Microsoft Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services

The integration with Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services will sync the tasks and projects and send them to Time Doctor and to the desktop app.

Integration with Zoho

Zoho is a suite of apps similar to Google Drive. Our integration with Zoho currently will pull the task and projects from your Zoho account and display them in Time Doctor.

Improvements to the absent/late functionality

A lot of companies use Time Doctor to keep track of shift workers and staff who are scheduled to start work at specific times around the clock.

Just like in a physical office environment occasionally, for various reasons, staff are absent or late. In a physical office this is usually communicated verbally to a manager, or perhaps using a paper-based system in place.

We realised that this type of functionality would be useful to our users who rely on our software to manage virtual and remote teams.

To access these new features go to the top Settings drop-down menu then select Work Schedules. From there click the new “Customize absent & late reasons” to setup the feature.

Customize absent & late reasons

After clicking “Customize absent & late reasons” you will see a pop-up box where you can add pre-set reasons for why your staff reported late or absent:

add pre-set reasons

By default we’ve added some common reasons, such as “Sick”, “Public Holiday”, “Vacation” and “Maternity or Parental Leave”, but using the pop-up you can add any reason which matches your company culture.

add any reason which matches your company culture

There’s also an option for an “Other” reason, this can be toggled on or off depending on your preferences.

reason can be toggled on or off

Then to enter a late or absent reason go to the Payroll top drop-down menu and select Edit Absent/Late Reasons.

On this screen you can select a team member from the top drop-down (Number one in the screenshot).

Then from the table below you can enter current late or absent reasons into the Status column (Number two in the screenshot), or if they have informed you ahead of time, you can enter the info in advance.

Then in the Reason column on the table you can enter the pre-set reason from the earlier pop-up (Number three on the screenshot).

Once you’ve finished entering the late or absent reasons make sure you click Save (Number four in the screenshot).

Other notable updates

Add logo on client login

We’ve added a small, but useful feature to let admins add a client logo to the main login page, this helps you white-label your Time Doctor app to match your own company branding.

Sort time use report by task, project and total time

In the Time Use Report (Found by going to the Reports top drop-down menu, then selecting Time Use), you can now sort the results of this report by task, by project or by total time.

Option to hide invite page from managers

Sometimes you don’t want all of your managers to see the entire staff directory, we have added a small improvement to this process where you can optionally hide the invite page from managers. This can be found in the main Company Settings page under the Invitation Settings section.

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