8 high paying remote jobs

by Liam Martin
high paying remote jobs

The benefits of working remotely are unmatched. Remote work translates to flexibility, autonomy, and often less time on the clock.

However, not all remote jobs are created equal. It can be difficult to find high paying remote jobs, especially if you’re just getting started.

If you’re interested in working remotely, and want to find high paying remote jobs, you’ve come to the right place.

Here is a comprehensive overview of jobs that offer the standard benefits of working remotely as well as high pay.

Senior iOS developer

ios developer

When it comes to high paying remote jobs, tech is where it’s at. If you have marketable tech skills, you won’t have any problem finding a job.

One of the highest paying remote jobs in the tech world is that of a Senior iOS developer. Senior iOS developers can make anywhere from $130,000 to $160,000 a year, as sourced from salaries from FlexJobs.

It’s not uncommon, however, for Senior iOS developers working on a freelance basis to make even more.

Senior iOS developers are in demand now more than ever. If you know how to create apps for iOS, you will experience no shortage of work, pouring in from firms all over the world.

The best part is many organizations are looking to hire a remote worker to come create iOS apps on a per-project basis, allowing you the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere in the world.

If you have a significant amount of experience, feel free to charge top dollar for all your clients, especially if you are more qualified and highly skilled.

Additionally, when you work freelance, you can balance more client than one, increasing your earning potential.

User experience researcher

user experience researcher

Do you have excellent research skills? Are you up on all the latest trends in the market research world? Do you have a knack for being able to find out what customers wants and what part of your clients’ sales funnel is experiencing break-down?

If you know how to create a plan to move customers swifty through the marketing funnel, then working as a user experience researcher might be the perfect fit for you.

It’s also one of the highest paying remote jobs on the market. User experience researchers, as sourced from FlexJobs, can make anywhere from $100,000 to $120,000 a year.

As with any remote job, you can enjoy the flexibility of working when you want, from any location you want, and taking charge of which clients you accept work from and which you don’t.

User experience researchers will work with clients to analyze their current lead generation practices, website, sales processes, and more, conduct research and then make recommendations on how to boost customer satisfaction and ROI.

If this sounds like something you would be good at, there is no shortage of consulting work.

Freelance writer

freelance writer

While it’s true that it’s possible to starve working as a freelance writer, it’s also possible to make six figures as a freelance writer.

This means freelance writing can be one of the highest paying remote jobs.

If you want to make it as a freelance writer, you’ll have to be smart about how your sell yourself, the niche you work in, where you find work, and how to price your services.

The first step to creating a successful freelance writing business is to have a strong and professional online presence. This means you need a website of your own, you need to flesh out your LinkedIn profile, and you need to take part in the conversations happening in your industry on Twitter, Facebook, and other online forums.

Some freelance writers can make a good living working with sites like Upwork, Guru, and Freelancer. However, most of these writers are already well-established on one of these platforms or are willing to put the work in to get established.

If you are just starting out and looking for high paying work, a better option may be to seek out individual clients in your niche and network.

As you start working as a freelance writer, you’ll realize some writers will sell their services for pennies a word. This is a surefire way to starve as a freelance writer.

If you are a skilled writer, great at search engine optimization, and work in a popular niche, then price your services accordingly.

As with any high paying remote job, you’ll find there are several clients willing to establish and ongoing relationship with a skilled professional freelancer, and pay the rates you request.

DevOps engineer

devops engineer

There are a lot of developers and IT staff out there, but what about the person in charge of bridging the gap?

If you know you would be good at keeping a company’s digital presence together through web and app infrastructure as well as creating new tools to improve efficiency in the workplace, then working as a DevOps engineer might be the perfect job for you.

DevOp engineers have an important job when it comes to improving the performance of your company’s or client’s systems. One-hundred percent of this job is done on the computer, making it the perfect job for a remote worker with mad DevOps skills.

As with most tech remote jobs, DevOp engineers have their work cut out for them. Even the smartest business people can’t fake DevOp skills or do it themselves. They need to outsource this to a talented soul like yourself, and are willing to pay big bucks to get the right person working for their company.

The best DevOp engineers can also make six figures, especially if they are good at what they do.

VP of sales

vp of sales

It’s no secret that a VP in any capacity makes big bucks, but what about VPs that want to take their life on the road or enjoy the luxury of working from home?

If you have experience as a VP of Sales, you’ll be pleased to know that many companies are now allowing their department heads to work remotely.

Just think about what your responsibilities as a VP of Sales. You are responsible for tracking metrics of your team and using your expertise to read the reports, make sense of them, and come up with strategies to boost revenues.

With the advent of technology and recent improvements in reporting tools, it’s easy to gather reports via the cloud, and even peek in on performance in real-time. Reporting can all be done virtually with a good CRM and data analytics tool.

Another important part of the job includes communicating the right messages to the right teams at the right time. For this, you don’t need to be face-to-face. All you need is a smart video call solution as well as a chat tool like Slack.

With these tools at your service, it’s possible to lead your sales team from any locale. This is especially true if you are leading a sales team of remote workers.

Traditionally, it made sense to keep all sales people stationed out of one office. Now, you may have sales people in San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Dubai, Australia, and other offices across the world.

If your sales team works remotely, it makes more sense for you to work remotely as well.

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how much a remote VP of Sales would make. It depends on the organization you work for and their benefits package. However, you’ll definitely make a pretty penny, enjoy having one of the highest paying remote jobs, and be able to get used to embracing the work-life balance that comes with remote working.

Project manager

project manager

It doesn’t matter what the industry is or where the company is located, every company is in need of great project managers.

With recent increases in project management technology, it’s easier now more than ever to work remotely as a project manager. With a high need for remote project managers and excellent project management technology, you can make excellent money working as a project manager.

If you are already organized, good at understanding and managing details, and excellent at moving a project from inception to completion, then working as a project manager may be a good fit for you.

If you have been working as an in-house project manager, there is no reason why you can’t take the job out of house and work as a remote worker.

All you need is the ability to take charge of workflows, assigning tasks, approvals, task management, prioritization, etc. and you can pick from hundreds of project management software to help you get the job done effectively.

Working remotely as a project manager especially makes sense if you are working with a team of remote workers.

This article has already listed several different types of workers that you may need to fulfill on a different project. If these workers are completing their job remotely, then there is no reason you can’t either.

Customer success support engineer

Customer success support engineer

Do you have special expertise in the tech industry and a knack for working with clients? If so, then working as a customer success support engineer might be the perfect job for you.

You don’t need to work in-house to answer client calls, learn about your clients’ products, and help implement technical solutions.

One-hundred percent of this job can be done from a phone and a computer, and none of the responsibilities of a customer success support engineer require a face-to-face consultation.

If you enjoy problem solving and creating better experiences for customers, but don’t necessarily enjoy the in-person aspect of many customer service jobs, then this job would be a great fit for you.

As an added bonus, working as a customer success support engineer is one of the highest paying remote jobs on the market.

You won’t want financially and you will also still maintain job satisfaction working in the perfect role for you.

Salary expectations, as sourced from Flexjob, can reach into the six figures, as with many other high paying remote jobs.



There are several job boards that help companies find talent. However, adding a human touch, especially a human with excellent recruiting skills, is a no brainer.

If you know how to interview, research companies and candidates to find qualified matches, and bring top talent to organizations, then companies will pay you—no matter where you are located.

If you have worked as a recruiter before, or work as a recruiter for a company, but are not making enough money, the time is now to look into working remotely as a recruiter.

As you know, remote work is becoming more and more popular across the workforce. Advances in technology allow companies to find talent across the globe much easier than they used to.

Additionally, tools like productivity tools, time tracking tools, project management tools, etc. make it easy for employers to develop and maintain working relationships with employees all over the globe.

As a recruiter, it behooves you to open yourself up to finding talent no matter where that talent is located. This means, instead of trying to find people in your area, it’s time to become familiar with the tools that help connect you with talent across the globe.

Again, if you can connect the right employee with the right company, companies will pay you big bucks.

This is especially true considering how much it costs to replace the wrong employee. It can cost a company anywhere from 16 percent to 213 percent of an employee’s annual salary to replace an employee that didn’t work out.

If you can sell your services as a great recruiter that gets it right the first time, you won’t have to worry about paying the bills.

Wrap up

Advances in technology are making it possible for companies to find and effectively manage remote employees from all over the world. There is no reason why you can’t be one of the many people who gets paid well and enjoys working from home doing something you love.

If you are looking to work remotely, the time is now to check out one of the jobs listed above, or one of the other many high paying remote jobs on the market.

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