How 6 bloggers went from zero to 1 million unique visitors per month

by Liam Martin
million uniques club bloggers

This article has been a year in the making. And I’m extremely excited about getting it out there to share the video below.

Here’s why: If you’re looking to be a fly on the wall of some of the most successful bloggers in the world, and listen to how they have reached a million unique visitors per month, then grab a cup of coffee and take some notes.

Here’s the scoop:

Almost every year, a collection of fantastic bloggers who I’ve called ‘The Million Uniques Club’ spend a weekend in Vegas and they let me tag along.

We started doing this because we were a little bored with SXSW but still wanted to find a way to get together, talk business, hang out, and generally catch up.

Approximately a year and a half ago I convinced these bloggers to sit down with me and talk business for an hour or two and record the session.

And now for the first time, we are releasing the video to the public so that everyone can learn from these brilliant people.

In the video we cover a few general issues:

  • How the members of the group got started blogging.
  • What single moment/blog post/partnership really put the bloggers up and running.
  • How to hire and scale your blog into a million dollar business.
  • How to monetize your blog.

The reason why I really respect this group so much is that they aren’t scammy internet marketing dudes trying to get rich quick. These folks are successfully selling products and services from their blogs. And I wanted to learn their secrets.

The bloggers from left to right are:

You can check out the video here. And I hope you learn as much as I did.

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