What does it take to get a job at Google? – Infographic

by Time Doctor
what does it take to get a job at google

Everyone wants to work at Google and it’s not hard at all to see why.

With billions of dollars in revenue every year, Google is never shy in spending way beyond the norm to attract and retain the most talented people they can find.

So Google employees get to enjoy free gourmet meals, free subsidized massage, free haircuts, free laundry and dry cleaning, free medical and dental checkups, and pretty much every benefit any employee could ask.

Not to mention that Google employees are already enjoying some of the highest average salaries in the tech industry.

That’s why even with their reputation as having one of the toughest application process, Google suffers no shortages of hopefuls with over 2 million job applicants every year.

Just how hard it is to land a job at Google? Check out our infographic and see for yourself.

what does it take to get a job at Google?

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