57% of Polish employees decline job offers for a higher quality of life

by Time Doctor
Polish employees decline job offers

In an era where job satisfaction metrics are being rewritten, the latest findings from a comprehensive global study conducted by Randstad shed light on an undeniable truth: work-life balance has overtaken salary and job stability as the key factor for job satisfaction. This insight, derived from responses across 34 countries, including a significant spotlight on Poland, heralds a new chapter in the workforce’s priorities, urging a reevaluation of what truly motivates the modern employee.

The rise of work-life balance

  • The overriding preference: A striking 57% of respondents globally have turned down job offers that threaten their work-life balance, illustrating a profound shift in professional values.
  • Poland’s unique stance: In Poland, this tendency is not just about maintaining equilibrium but a deeper quest for fulfillment over mere career ambition, showcasing a distinct divergence from the global average.

This pivot toward valuing time and personal satisfaction above the traditional lures of the corporate ladder signifies a revolution in how work is perceived and what professionals demand from their roles.

Promoting work-life balance in the era of remote work

Remote work: The new standard

The pandemic has permanently altered the work environment, placing remote work at the forefront of employment must-haves. This transition has not been seamless, revealing a gap between employee desires and current corporate practices:

  • Demand for flexibility: In Poland, 39% regard remote work flexibility as essential, a sentiment that resonates globally, underscoring the need for companies to adapt swiftly to retain their workforce.
  • The expectation-reality divide: Despite the clear preference for remote work, many employees feel that their companies are lagging in providing sufficient remote work opportunities, signaling a call to action for employers worldwide.

Empowering employees: The role of employers

As remote work offers greater autonomy, the study unveils a critical insight into employee motivation, especially within Poland:

  • Self-motivation vs. external influence: Polish employees attribute their job motivation more to personal drive than to employer-driven incentives, differentiating them from their global counterparts.
  • The path forward for employers: To cultivate a motivated and committed workforce, adopting strategies that respect individual autonomy while providing supportive leadership is essential.


The Randstad study’s revelations are more than just statistics; they are a clarion call for a reassessment of work’s role in life. The emphasis on work-life balance, the quest for fulfillment, and the undeniable importance of remote work flexibility are reshaping the professional landscape.

For companies, embracing these shifts is not optional but a strategic imperative to attract and retain talent in a fiercely competitive global market.

As we move forward, the transformation of work paradigms towards more flexible and fulfilling models is not just anticipated; it is already underway, promising a future where work and life are not at odds but in harmony.

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