Time Doctor launches definitive ranking and comparison tool for global BPOs in partnership with Outsource Accelerator 

by Time Doctor
Time Doctor OA500 ranking report

Together with the world’s leading outsourcing advisory website and aggregator marketplace, Outsource Accelerator, we’ve launched a comprehensive and objective analysis revealing the top 500 outsourcing firms globally. 

The much-anticipated index, known as the Time Doctor OA500 2023, was developed over 18 months using Outsource Accelerator’s proprietary methodology, which assessed multiple points of metadata from more than 2,500 business process outsourcing firms worldwide. 

A first for the BPO industry, the index is set to become the most authoritative evaluation and benchmarking tool for outsourcing—giving both BPOs and their clients independent insights they can use to more effectively navigate the market.

Time Doctor OA500 index highlights BPOs excelling in terms of visibility and quality 

The Time Doctor OA500 provides a strong indicator of the most prominent global BPOs.

Measures used to rank BPOs largely focused on firms’ size, visibility, reliability and credibility, including the strength and quality of their digital presence, employer brand, and third-party analyses.

With access to the Time Doctor OA500, market-leading BPOs can reaffirm they’re on the right track, set targets for continuous improvement, and further build their reputation with clients. On the other hand, BPOs on a growth trajectory can use the index as a guide to how they measure up against top players and see what kind of business models and approaches could help them advance.

As the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator Derek Gallimore said: “Managing the prominence of a business really speaks to the awareness and public footprint of that business out there, so by optimizing this footprint and ranking higher really brings a lot of benefits and rewards to that business.”

Importantly, the index offers a balanced view of both a company’s success and the integrity of its business practices. In other words, BPOs committed to operational agility and scalability without compromising on client experience and the working conditions and satisfaction of its outsourced or offshore talent pools.

Time Doctor is the perfect partner to present this vital BPO improvement resource

Being able to scale effectively while continuing to build an engaged and productive workforce was a key driver behind Time Doctor’s establishment. 

Co-founder Rob Rawson was employing offshore talent in the Philippines to grow his digital marketing business when he first started developing a tool to measure remote employees’ productivity. He partnered with fellow remote work advocate Liam Martin to launch Time Doctor in 2012 and more than a decade later the company has staff in over 30 countries, more than 250,000 users, and is a proud champion of best practice global resourcing.

Thousands of global BPOs use Time Doctor’s highly-rated time tracking and employee monitoring platform to build trust with their clients through transparency, control cost margins, and improve the performance and engagement of outsourced and remote teams. 

We’re continually looking for ways to more deeply understand and boost the capabilities of BPOs, both through our product and by offering quality information resources like our Global BPO Productivity Report and now the Time Doctor OA500 Report.  

Time Doctor OA500 ranking report

How are BPOs analyzed to compile the Time Doctor OA500?

Research and analysis of BPOs globally was conducted based on publicly available information, typically across around 20 metadata points related to a firm’s size and revenue, domain authority and traffic, reputation and employee reviews, and third-party publications about its market footprint and service quality.

The Time Doctor OA500 is a subset of Outsource Accelerator’s Global Outsourcing Firm (BPO) Index, which ranks all known outsourcing firms globally. The methodology behind both indexes is the same (The scoring and weighting used is explained in Outsource Accelerator’s methodology white paper). 

However, it’s worth noting that firms with more visibility tend to have more metadata and therefore rank higher—this also means that the accuracy and fidelity of the Time Doctor OA500 participants is higher and more reliable.

Want to understand what makes an outsourcing firm globally prominent? Check out which firms made it into the Time Doctor OA500 2023 via Outsource Accelerator’s online directory or by downloading the full report.

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