How hybrid work fuels greater social engagement among Kiwis

by Time Doctor
kiwis socialize remotely

Young professionals in New Zealand are creating a new narrative about productivity and social connection in an era where the boundaries between work and home are becoming increasingly blurred. Unexpected trend shown by a ground-breaking survey: working from home need not equate to disengagement. 

As a matter of fact, Kiwi employees are debunking the notion that working remotely has social drawbacks by interacting with coworkers outside of regular business hours. Let’s examine the data and anecdotes that provide a clear picture of this changing environment.

The hybrid work model: Finding a balance between social life and productivity

Many people are considering the perfect job setting in the post-pandemic society. With 41.7% of Kiwi employees currently employed in hybrid positions, it begs the question: Are we forgoing social engagement in favor of convenience? 

Remarkably, a recent Pureprofile poll that Bacardi commissioned shows otherwise. Remarkably, 80% of participants socialize after work, with 52% expressing a preference for cocktail hours. This dispels the myth that working remotely would result in isolation and instead emphasizes the thriving culture of connection that exists outside of office boundaries.

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Fear of losing out encourages social involvement

It’s interesting to note that this tendency is heavily influenced by the idea of Fomo (fear of missing out). Even if they work from home, 87% of them say they are very interested in getting together after work, especially for cocktail hours (59%). 

This need to interact highlights a fundamental need for human connections and shows that being physically apart from someone does not mean being socially isolated.

The effects on stress and workplace culture

The results of the poll provide insight into the beneficial effects of socializing on workplace dynamics. Most people think that interacting with coworkers outside of work improves the culture of the company (69%), lowers stress (47%), and recognizes professional achievements (46%). 

These results imply that social interactions are an essential part of a productive workplace, not merely a recreational activity.

The dilemma of the hybrid worker: Juggling job, life, and socializing

Although there is a great desire to interact, obstacles including time constraints (47%) and obligations to oneself (31%), create difficulties. 

This emphasizes how important it is for businesses to provide socializing opportunities that meet the varied demands of their employees.

The future of connected and hybrid work

A move towards flexibility may be seen in the development of hybrid working arrangements in New Zealand, as highlighted by Massey University’s “wellbeing@work” research

Many people find that they can work more productively from home using this technique, which not only maintains but also increases production. The shift to hybrid work is a reflection of a larger cultural trend that values both personal and professional well-being.


Young professionals in New Zealand are setting the standard for modern job definition. They are demonstrating that it is feasible to combine the productivity and concentration of working from home with the social and cultural advantages of working in an office setting by adopting the hybrid model

This balance is a forward-thinking approach to work that puts flexibility, productivity, and social well-being first, rather than merely reacting to the epidemic. It’s obvious that the future of work will depend on our ability to connect, cooperate, and foster a positive work culture regardless of location as we negotiate this new normal.

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