Work from anywhere, anytime: Ireland’s bold step towards flexible work arrangements

by Time Doctor
Ireland flexible work bold step

Ireland has made history by enacting broad measures that would drastically improve the work-life balance of its workforce nationwide. These reforms, which are being led by Ministers Simon Coveney and Roderic O’Gorman, represent a major advancement in updating workplace procedures and guaranteeing that the needs of parents and caregivers are given top priority. Find out what it means for you and how Ireland is establishing a new benchmark for employee rights.

A revolutionary turn in the direction of flexibility

  • Flexible and remote work rights: The fact that workers may today ask for remote work arrangements is evidence of the long-lasting effects of the Covid-19 outbreak on modern work practices. Additionally, parents and caregivers, who prioritize family time and caring duties, are allowed to request flexible work schedules.
  • Guidelines for employers and workers: This code, which was created in concert with employer representative organizations and trade unions, guarantees that both employers and employees are aware of their responsibilities and rights regarding flexible and remote work arrangements.
Flexible work schedules CTA blog

The effects of these modifications 

On employees

  • Improved work-life harmony: The new rules facilitate a better balance between work and personal life for employees, cutting down on commuting times and increasing family time.
  • Support for parents and caregivers: The legislation specifically addresses the concerns of parents and caregivers by guaranteeing their ability to request modifications to their work schedules, which facilitates balancing job and caregiving obligations.
  • Options for dispute resolution: In order to ensure that their rights are upheld, workers have the option to take their complaints to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) if their employers neglect to uphold their end of the bargain.

On employers

  • Guidance on implementing flexible arrangements: In order to foster a positive and flexible work environment, the Code of Practice provides employers with a road map for granting requests for remote or flexible working hours.
  • Encouragement of a positive work culture: By adopting these adjustments, companies may create a happier and more effective workforce, drawing and keeping top talent.

The voices behind the movement

Minister Simon Coveney emphasized the government’s support for remote employment to improve family time and lessen the strain of commuting. Minister O’Gorman underlined the importance of the act’s provisions for breastfeeding breaks and extensive domestic violence leave, among other leaves and assistance, in supporting employees.

The Workplace Relations Commission’s Director General, Audrey Cahill, commended the teamwork that resulted in the Code of Practice and emphasized its significance in helping companies and employees navigate the evolving work-life balance scenario.


Ireland’s bold move toward remote and flexible work arrangements established a standard that other countries should imitate. These changes highlight how crucial it is to modify our workplaces to accommodate workers’ changing requirements as we navigate the post-pandemic world and provide an inclusive and encouraging work environment for all.

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