What CEOs really think about hybrid work dynamics

by Time Doctor
CEO hybrid work insights

In recent years, the nature of work has changed dramatically, with the idea of hybrid work assuming a central role. CEOs from all across the world are weighing in as companies struggle with this new reality, offering a wide range of perspectives and tactics to get through this unfamiliar area. Using data from the most recent Fortune/Deloitte CEO poll, this piece explores the nuances of hybrid work and provides executives with a thorough manual for creating a positive work environment.

Hybrid work: A diverse spectrum of approaches

CEO reactions to the idea of hybrid work have been diverse, revealing a wide range of viewpoints on the most effective ways to put this model into practice. Principal results of the study indicate

  • 27% of CEOs favor a three-day in-office workweek as the ideal setup.
  • A significant 22% advocate for a traditional five-day in-office schedule.
  • Only 6% believe a two-day in-office presence is sufficient.
  • 24% of CEOs state their company’s approach to hybrid work varies by job function, indicating a tailored approach within organizations.
  • A minority of 3% leave the decision to the discretion of their employees, highlighting autonomy in work arrangements.

These figures highlight the lack of agreement among executives and imply that the ideal hybrid work model depends greatly on the particular requirements and organizational cultures of each company.

Prioritizing well-being in hybrid work models

In the evolving landscape of hybrid work, a shared understanding among CEOs has emerged, highlighting the importance of well-being and company values.

This collective insight sheds light on the fact that hybrid work is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a diverse and adaptable framework, tailored to meet the distinct needs and preferences of various organizations. The crux of this discussion acknowledges that finding a universal strategy for implementing hybrid work is unrealistic.

Each company, with its unique culture and operational requirements, is encouraged to navigate its own path. This shift towards a more flexible and customizable approach is crucial, as it allows for the integration of well-being as a fundamental aspect of hybrid work models.

The focus on maintaining and enhancing the mental and physical health of both employees and leaders is paramount, representing a holistic approach that goes beyond simple productivity measures. This perspective on well-being signifies a deeper understanding of modern work dynamics, recognizing that the overall health of an organization is deeply connected to the well-being of its individuals.

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Aligning hybrid work with company values

The adaptation of hybrid work models to align with an organization’s core values serves as a critical component in this transition. This alignment is not merely operational but reflects the essence of the company’s ethos, creating a work environment that embodies the organization’s principles.

By ensuring that the implementation of hybrid work strategies resonates with the foundational values of the company, organizations can maintain a strong sense of identity and purpose. This approach to hybrid work emphasizes the importance of a work culture that supports and nurtures its workforce, reinforcing rather than undermining the organizational culture.

As companies navigate the complexities of managing a distributed workforce, the commitment to well-being and adherence to company values stand as pillars that guide the journey towards a successful hybrid work model. This path not only addresses the challenges presented by hybrid working arrangements but also capitalizes on the opportunities they offer to build a more resilient, unified, and healthy workplace.

The evolution of work: From productivity to engagement

The evolution of work, particularly with the increasing adoption of hybrid and remote arrangements, has shifted focus from mere productivity to the critical aspects of employee engagement and loyalty. 

This transition has raised concerns among CEOs, over half of whom have noticed a potential dip in engagement levels attributed to the hybrid work model. In response, organizations are not standing by passively; they’re actively devising innovative strategies aimed at invigorating workplace culture. 

Key to these efforts are the development of new tools designed to enhance engagement and foster loyalty among employees. Additionally, the introduction of flexible schedules and advanced collaboration tools is transforming the work environment, enabling real-time interactions and feedback among colleagues, irrespective of their physical locations. 

This adaptability extends to the exploration of shorter workweeks, further evidence of companies’ commitment to maintaining a dynamic and engaging workplace in the face of evolving work models.

Talent and engagement: A delicate balancing act

The CEO’s top goals continue to be employee engagement and talent management as they search for the ideal balance in hybrid work. Among the survey’s findings are:

  • A significant 75% of CEOs reported needing less office space post-pandemic, reflecting a shift towards more flexible work arrangements.
  • Talent and workforce transformation initiatives were cited by 71% of CEOs as major changes on the horizon.
  • Labor and skills shortages have consistently ranked among the top disruptors for businesses, underscoring the critical nature of talent management in the hybrid work era.

Who makes the decision in hybrid work?

There are differences in the decision-making process when it comes to hybrid work arrangements. According to the survey:

  • 54% of hybrid workers say their employers dictate their work schedules.
  • 30% reached a decision in collaboration with their employers.
  • An increasing number of employees (28%) prefer a balanced mix of remote and in-office work, highlighting a shift towards more flexible working preferences.


As we continue to optimize hybrid work, flexibility is becoming increasingly important. CEOs are urged to use analytics and data, put health first, accept flexible work schedules, and base choices on the company’s core principles.

The Fortune/Deloitte CEO poll offers insightful advice for CEOs attempting to strike a balance between productivity, engagement, and well-being in the context of the hybrid work paradigm as we navigate this changing terrain.

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